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When the zoo came to William Rhodes June 2023

When was the last time you stroked a skunk? At William Rhodes today, we have handled lots of wonderful animals and learnt lots of facts about them. Our KS1 children were very brave - they handled a tarantula, a boa constrictor, a skunk, an owl and a chameleon. What a wonderful day, even the grown ups got involved!

Wheelchair Sports June 2023

We absolutely loved our wheelchair sports sessions! It is definitely not as easy as it looks but is definitely great fun!


In our assemblies this week, we have learnt about the protected characteristics, discrimination and the Equality Act 2010. We focused on disability and learnt that not all disabilities are visible: they can be temporary or permanent and we were surprised to find out that the World Health Organisation estimates that 15% of the world's population have a disability - that is over one billion people! 

Colour Run May 2023

KS2 had a wonderful afternoon to end the half term! Our colour run, which was set up by SHAPE, was great fun and helped us to raise £1699 for our school playgrounds. A huge thank you to all of the families who supported us through their generous sponsorship, or by coming in to be a part of the afternoon. This will definitely be an event which we will organise again! 
