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Our Curriculum



We have recently re-designed our curriculum around 6 global themes, which have links to Oxfam's Global Citizenship:


Identity and Diversity 

Peace and Conflict 

Social Justice 

Saving our Environment 

Our Heritage 

Our World and Beyond 


We believe that these themes, when developed throughout a child's school journey, will provide them with the knowledge and understanding to become well-rounded global citizens and prepare them for life in our ever-changing world. 


As the whole school explore the same theme, we have half-termly assemblies to kick off our topics. After our learning has taken place, we hosts events to celebrate and showcase the work that we have all been doing and invite our families to join us. 


See below our progression document, which shows how each theme is developed throughout a child's school journey. 


If you would like to find out more about our curriculum, please feel free to speak to your child's class teacher, who will be happy to provide you with further details. 

All of our lessons follow the same structure in order to help us to ensure that knowledge sticks. This approach is evidence-based and includes many 'best bets' to improve progress. 



Global Themes Progression Map

Our curriculum is based around experiences which bring learning to life for our children: to inspire and motivate them to have a thirst for learning. The curriculum is broad and ambitious, covering all of the National Curriculum, however knowledge and wider concepts are built upon progressively throughout the year groups. 


Our EYFS curriculum forms the foundation for the curriculum taught across the rest of school. The curriculum from Year One to Year Six is designed and delivered over a two-year cycle, meaning that experiences and learning can be shared across phases: Key Stage One,  Lower Key Stage Two and Upper Key Stage Two. 


Throughout the curriculum, we celebrate diversity and inclusion: we aim for all children to see themselves represented within our curriculum design. 

Curriculum Maps

Cycle B

Maths Pupil Voice February 2024

